Caitlin Strempel

May 27, 20218 min

How to Increase Your Online Visibility

Updated: May 29, 2021

Plus 37 Visibility Ideas for You to Try!

Does your website appear on Google’s first page? Are you seen as an expert in your industry? Do people share your content and engage with your social media posts?

Chances are you said no to at least one of the above questions. This is why, like every brand out there, you need to continually improve your online visibility.

By showing up digitally more often and across more platforms, you can dramatically grow your brand presence, prospects, and sales.

In this guide we’ll cover:

  • What is online visibility?

  • Why is it important?

  • How to increase your online visibility

  • AND over 35 ideas for being more visible online!

To put it simply, online visibility refers to how easily found your business is online. It means that when a customer has a problem - yours is the first solution. If they share interesting resources - they were written by you. If they’re ready to buy - you’re the first to show up.

This starts with your website. While it might be beautifully designed, the most important factor is that your site ranks well so that customers can find you.

Search engine optimization is the first step to being more visible online but it's not the only place to be present. You must combine your SEO strategy with other effective digital marketing to grow your overall brand visibility.

Successful online visibility strategies make sure your brand is visible across all relevant channels from social media platforms to online directories. Anywhere your ideal customers hang out is where you need to be.

The number one reason to be visible online is to increase your pool of customers and brand awareness. But the unique benefit of being ‘findable’ is that it means clients come directly to you - not the other way around.

For example, if your business ranks number one for ‘Arizona real estate agent’, you can pretty much guarantee a bunch of new clients will come directly to your website. Without you having to sell it to them.

This is also hugely important for brands who can do business in any city, state, or even country. Once your name is visible in the digital world, it doesn’t matter who your content reaches.

Overall, the benefits of increasing your online visibility are:

  • Your website ranks for both direct selling keywords but also customers’ problems

  • Your blogs, guides, and content gets shared online, gaining links to your website

  • Your brand is talked about on social media and generates positive reviews

  • You see continual growth across your ranking, followers, traffic, and engagement

  • AND you attract more qualified leads and dreamy sales!

Being visible online is the most effective way to grow your business in 2021. If you want to level up your profits and see your business soar, find out more about our custom digital marketing services.

To increase visibility for your business you need to implement a multi-platform digital marketing plan. This means engaging, sharing and being present across various platforms to ensure your brand is seen by different audiences.

Improving brand visibility typically involves:

  • Implementing a strong SEO strategy to target relevant keywords

  • Gaining quality links back to your website

  • Interacting with followers and prospects

  • Regularly publishing high-value content across different formats i.e. video, blogs, social media

  • Sharing old and new digital content on multiple platforms

The important thing to remember is that increasing online visibility is not static. You must keep up your awareness and reputation to ensure you’re not forgotten. The more you can be active online, the more you’ll stay active in the mind of your consumer. So it’s important to decide where and how you’re going to improve your brand visibility.

Below are over 35 ideas on how to increase visibility to your website, on social media, in-person and elsewhere online to increase your brand awareness.

1. Join a virtual summit

Virtual summits are perfect for those who don’t have time to commit to a full event. Join in online conversations by using the summit’s hashtag and connect with speakers or fellow attendees.

2. Attend conferences

Similarly to above, find relevant conferences to attend in person to gain exposure to a new audience who is already interested in your area of expertise.

3. Attend online and in-person networking events

Who you know is still important, even in the digital age. Keep your contact list close by being present at events online and in real life.

4. Connect with influencers to promote your business on their social channels

Influencers continue to be a highly effective way of advertising. With their own trusting audience, your product or service can be seen by thousands ready and willing to purchase.

5. Post on NextDoor

The local neighborhood app is the perfect place to be digitally seen by your community. Many of us want to support local businesses, so make sure yours is first of mind next time they need you.

6. Join a co-working space that promotes members

Co-working isn’t just a nice change of scene for those of us who work from home. With hundreds of members, it's the perfect opportunity to get to know fellow entrepreneurs. Pick a spot that promotes their members’ businesses to get more visibility online.

7. Offer to host a free presentation for co-working space members

Make the most of your coworking membership by sharing your skills in an expert presentation with fellow members. Providing free, valuable information is one of the best ways to be authoritative.

8. Post your blog posts to Medium

Share your written content on external platforms to gain more exposure while benefiting from a high-quality backlink. Many contributors to Medium see their blogs go viral!

9. Post your blog posts to Reddit

Next, share your articles on Reddit, a destination many searchers go to find information.

10. Get on Clubhouse

The latest social media platform Clubhouse is the new place to be for networking and information sharing. Users can tune in live to presentations, podcasts, and discussions led by experts in multiple industries.

11. Join Facebook groups and actively participate

Facebook groups - whether local or industry related - are often a number one spot for finding suppliers. People trust fellow members so make sure to engage regularly and get your name front of mind.

12. Go live on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook

Being live online might sound daunting but it’s a simple, quick way to engage with your community. There are tons of ways to share information from live Q&As to tutorials. The best part is you can download your video after and publish it across all your platforms!

13. Present to Facebook groups and other mastermind groups

Share your knowledge within groups by presenting to a new audience of engaged listeners. This is a great opportunity to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and present to their members.

14. Reach out personally on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is still the best place to connect with prospects but remember to do so personally. No one likes a blanket request! Find ways you can connect and help each other out.

15. Be a guest on someone’s podcast

Talking about your business automatically shows enthusiasm and passion - so what better way than doing so on a podcast! Connect with hosts who have relevant audiences and get them tuned in to your brand.

16. Submit guest blog posts on other websites

Write expert content for news and industry platforms that have a big readership. You’ll likely also benefit from a link back to your website - great for SEO and referral traffic!

17. Join HARO

HARO, or Help A Reporter Out, is a free resource used by global media contacts who need a reputable source for online content. Sign up and submit your expert opinions to get your name in the press and benefit from a link to your website. Find out more here.

18. BLOG and create content to post on all of your social channels

Regularly post high-quality blogs on your website and share snippets across your social media to generate traffic back to your article.

19. Start your own podcast

Reach a new audience of podcast listeners and share your valuable content in audio format. You can interview fellow experts, discuss your articles and grow new customers!

20. Apply to speak at events

Attending conferences and summits is one thing, but the best way to grow brand visibility is to show off your expertise in a speaking slot. Enquire about presenting and get your business in the limelight.

21. Host a free educational event

Sharing free knowledge boosts your like, know, trust factor. Host a webinar, presentation or workshop with prospects where you can answer their problems and promote your business.

22. Directly reach out on social channels to build relationships

Make sure to engage online and continually connect with fellow experts and prospects. Remember not to be sales-y, this is about building relationships that will benefit your business in the future!

23. Pin all blog posts to Pinterest

Pinterest is its own search platform that organically brings in website traffic. Make sure all blog posts and articles are shared with relevant, visual pins.

24. Join board groups on Pinterest

You can also share your pins to a wider audience by joining relevant groups. They often have thousands of followers looking for new content.

25. Run a free online challenge

Engage followers over a 7, 10 or even 30 day challenge where you can share your content daily and check in with their progress.

26. Send emails to your list consistently

Keep prospects warm with engaging emails that share your latest blogs, offers and speaking engagements.

27. Promote a free e-book

Another excellent free resource is a downloadable e-book. You can collate blogs into one piece and gather email information.

28. SEO

SEO is key to being visible online. Make sure you have a solid optimization strategy for increasing your keyword ranking, getting links and growing traffic. Find out more about our SEO services which have a 100% success rate getting businesses to Google’s first page!

29. Run Google Ads

Target both cold and warm leads with optimized Google Ads. You’ll be able to grow your brand visibility by retargeting ads to already engaged audiences while tracking their success.

30. Run social media ads

You should also advertise to your relevant audiences across Facebook, Instagram and/or LinkedIn. Run campaigns for each part of your sales funnel.

31. Offer affiliate opportunities

Affiliate marketing can dramatically grow online visibility. Offer influencers and buyers an individual link to your products or services that will send traffic to your website and earn them a small percentage of revenue.

32. Ask friends and families for referrals

Don’t forget to be present with your loved ones! They might have a new contact who’s in need of your services so make sure to remind them of your availability.

33. Talk about what you do to everyone you meet!

Word of mouth - it remains the strongest form of marketing. Keep your brand at the front of everyone’s mind by talking about your business and sharing your passion!

34. Post on Quora

Quora is a knowledge sharing platform where users ask and answer questions to everything and anything. Share your expertise and interact on the forum.

35. Ask clients for testimonials

Always ask clients for their feedback to share on your website, social media and Google reviews.

36. Connect with companies you can collaborate with

Stay in touch with brands you work with at events or on projects - they’ll be more likely to recommend you to future clients.

37. Run a referral program

Encourage word-of-mouth sharing by offering a discount code or freebie to current customers.

Improving your brand visibility on and offline should be your number one focus for continually growing your business.

If you’d like to find out more about how to stay present online, get in touch with the team at Rising Ranks Digital.
