Caitlin Strempel

Jun 30, 20215 min

Service Marketing vs. Product Marketing: What Tactics Make Each Campaign Wildly Successful?

Knowing the differences & similarities in Service Marketing vs. Product Marketing is your key to success

Marketing a service offering isn't that different from when you're marketing a product offering; however, there are slight differences in strategies needed, and knowing the differences can give your business the edge it needs to be wildly successful.

Below we take a look at the tactics needed that make each type of campaign a success, what differentiates them, and of course, not forgetting the similarities they share that are also a must when marketing your product or service offering.

What makes this digital marketing campaign unique and successful? What attracts people to buy products from an online website? Here are the marketing elements you can't afford to skip when selling products online:

1. Beautiful shots on your website are a must.

Products are tangible. That tangibility is an edge as it allows customers to feel, see and inspect what they are buying in advance. As such, having good images of your products on your site can go a long way in boosting the conversion rate. Keep in mind that the human brain processes visual data better than other types of data.

2. Have as many details about your products on the website.

A few specifications about your products are great too. Carefully come up with a set of specs that will complement the images you have included. Avoid captions that may seem wordy.

3. The feel and look of your product need to be forefront.

How you present your products will largely determine how your customers will respond. As such, you need to give product marketing the importance it deserves. For example, most people are inclined to think that lightweight products are better when it comes to smartphones, while other customers believe that a heavier product means more. The goal is to have relevant details about your product as per the needs of your target audience.

Also, take into consideration the look of your product. When you get media placements, can people tell that the product is undeniably yours just by looking at it? Ensure your product has a logo that customers can easily identify due to its uniqueness. This goes a long way into building brand loyalty.

4. Take packaging seriously.

Packaging can make or break your business. It is the first thing buyers get to see even before experiencing the product inside, and the unboxing experience counts a lot. 60 – 80% of customers won't buy from you again if you don't guarantee them a great unboxing experience, even when they're satisfied with your product. Just head to social media and see how buyers are sharing their greatest unboxing experiences. Now imagine your buyers doing the same and how that can support your business.

Some more stats:

  • 72% of Americans say their buying decision is influenced by the packaging design

  • 50% of shoppers would recommend your product if it came in gift-like or branded packaging

5. Create an opt-in for a discount or free add-on.

This is an easier way to get customers to learn more about your products, and that can increase the chances of them buying from you. Email opt-ins for a discount, once they subscribe to your site, are a great example you can implement.

Marketing a service is not that different from marketing a product, but some aspects are needed for sales to soar and make you stand out in the online world. Below are some tactics that can help you nail it when marketing a service-based business.

1. Clear Communication

Services are intangible. Your prospects won't be able to experience them before like products to be able to make a sound decision. For that reason, providing prospective consumers with details of what to expect from the start is very crucial. What will the onboarding call be like? Is there an initial fee or consultation fee? How much communication will there be while working together? Just get them as much information as you can to help them understand what you are selling.

2. Use Case Studies

Case studies are excellent tools for showcasing how products and services are performing. Leverage them to show your services are worth it.

3. Leverage Lead Magnets

White papers, samples, training videos, and free consultations are great examples of lead magnets that can give you an edge. Make good use of them to get potential leads from one point to another quickly. You just need to know which lead magnets are ideal for your prospects to see positive results.

4. Sign Up for Business Listings

Improve your local visibility, enhance your online presence, and get discovered easily by having your footprint on business listings such as Google My Business. Asking for reviews is also an easier and quicker way to show potential users of your services an idea of what you're offering.

5. Networking

Attending workshops, events, and conferences allows you to showcase your expertise and meet like-minded people, potential buyers, and even investors who might have an interest in your services. They may also help mention your services to other people.

And yes, I know this is not considered "online marketing" but networking online or offline will significantly increase your brand lift online so long as you make the effort to continue the conversation. This could look like setting up follow up connection calls, following and engaging your new contacts online, and/or checking in with how they are doing via a quick email. Connecting with your contacts online will always be more successful if you've already established a relationship with them offline.

Now that you know which tactics are most appropriate for each, let's take a look at how these two marketing approaches are the same:

1. Have a Target Audience

Whether you're marketing a product or service, you must have some prospects in mind from the start. It makes no sense to start promoting your product or service without clear information about whom you intend to attract.

2. Follow the 4 C's When Creating a Marketing Plan

The 4 C's(catch, connect, close, and continue) are very crucial to creating a successful marketing plan. And you need a well-customized one that follows all 4 to market your products and services. Make sure to read up on how to properly utilize the 4C's before crafting your plan!

3. Grab Your Customers Attention by Leading with the Most Important Pain Point

Whether you're selling a product or service, your prospects will need to be convinced your solutions are addressing their needs for them to make a purchase. If it is not clear how you are addressing their most important pain points, they will most likely not make a purchase.

4. Build Trust with Customers

Successful marketing requires building trust. You can achieve this by highlighting reviews, testimonials, and case studies. You need to build trust with your customers to make sales, whether you're selling a product or service because when consumers start to like and trust you, you will always be the first one they turn to when it's time to make a purchase.

5. Count on SEO-Friendly Content

Content marketing is of paramount importance today because it helps businesses a lot when it comes to marketing. Just take a look at how businesses are using blogs to get found and generate organic traffic. Come up with a blog that has valuable content that your customers can implement to see a change.

6. Create a Better Customer Experience

Irrespective of what you are offering, customer experience is paramount for the growth of any business. According to my feature in Forbes, up-selling and cross-selling become more effortless and affordable when your current customers are enjoying the experiences you provide, resulting in repeat customers. Creating a stellar customer experience will be the most effective and affordable marketing tactic you could ever partake in.

Let Us Help You with Your Marketing Plan

Marketing for products vs marketing for services is not that different as some 'gurus' say it is. The most important thing is to use the differentiating tactics that we have laid down to be successful in your marketing.

Consider partnering with a digital marketing consulting agency that can help you achieve your marketing goals seamlessly. At Rising Ranks Digital, we know the ins and out of service marketing and product marketing. Contact us today.
